DIFLUCAN Medical Consultation Form
Please fill in all fields and respond to all questions honestly and completely so that a physician can review your consultation and prescribe DIFLUCAN if approved. If the consulting physician determines that Diflucan is not appropriate for you, there is NO charge for this consultation.

Available in the United States Only. 
Services  NOT available in Arkansas, Illinois, & Florida

In order to review your consultation, you must provide your full name, a Physical Address (We do NOT accept requests to PO Boxes-) and complete Phone number. We do NOT accept requests from Illinois or Arkansas 
In order for Medical Wellness Center Physicians to provide you with the best care you need to reply honesty to all questions and you need to understand any and all risks and side effects associated with DIFLUCAN.   Please be sure to read Diflucan CONTRAINDICATIONS, WARNINGS & SIDE-EFFECTS  and confirm that you do NOT have any contraindications, understand the warnings and agree to the Waiver of Liability before filling out this consultation.  Failure to answer truthfully and completely could result in serious consequences !

WARNING: Do not take Diflucan if your are pregnant, trying to get pregnant or breast feeding
Click here  to read all the above stated conditions before filling out the medical consultation form: I have read the previous Diflucan Pages and I do NOT have any of the stated contraindications. I understand the WARNINGS and I have read and agree to the Waiver of Liability:YES NO 

The medical information you supply is subject to ALL patient/doctor privilege laws.
First and Last Name: 
SEX:  FemaleMale 
Date of Birth(MM/DD/YY):          Current Age: 
Height (inches):                   Weight: 
Please list all current Medical Conditions:

Do you take any prescription medication?YESNO
If YES, please list all Prescription Medications you are currently taking and the length of time taking each of them: For example: Claritin -4yrs; Zoloft- 6mo,etc.

Please list all over-the-counter drugs you take regularly and why. 
For example: aspirin -for migraines, Unisom -difficulty sleeping etc.

Do you have any known allergies to Medicines?YES NO
If Yes, please list any known Allergies to Medicines:


Have you previously been diagnosed in the past to have vaginal yeast infections or vaginal candadiasis? YES  NO 
Are you currently Pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or Breast-feeding? YES NO
Are you currently taking PROPULSID or Cisapride? YESNO
Do you presently have acute symptoms of severe abdominal pain? Fever? Chills? Nausea or Vomiting? YES NO
Do you have a FOUL-SMELLING/YELLOW-GREEN Vaginal Discharge (This is different from the typical clumpy or cottage-cheese like discharge seen with vaginal yeast infections? YES NO
Do you have LIVER DISEASE, RENAL or KIDNEY disease or are you on Dialysis? YES NO
Have you ever had any type of transplant such as kidney, lung, heart or bone marrow?YES NO 
Do you have diabetes? YES NO

Do you currently take Oral Hypoglycemics or Sulfonylurea oral hypoglycemic agents for controlling blood sugar such as TOLABUTAMIDE? GLIPIZIDE? GLYBURIDE?YES  NO

Do you have AIDS or a positive HIV test or have you recently been exposed to AIDS? YES NO
Are you currently taking Rifabutin or Ansamycin Mycobutin or Rifampin or Cyclosporine or AmphotericinB or Tacrolimus? YES NO
Are you currently taking THEOPHYLLINE, Seldane (Terfenadine) or HISMANAL (Astemizole) or Singulair or Accolate or other anti-asthma drugs? YES NO
Are you currently taking Dilantin or Phenytoin or Anti-Seizure Medication? YES NO
Are you currently taking Warfarin or Coumarin-type anticoagulants? YES NO
Do you have or have you ever had Tuberculosis? YES NO
Are you currently being treated for cancer?YES NO 
If yes, please explain: 
Have you had a physical exam in the last two years?YES  NO 
Do you smoke?YES NO 
Do you consume more than 2 servings of alcohol per day? YES NO
Do you have or have you ever had any of the following conditions?
Kidney Disease Renal failure Kidney dialysis
Liver disease HIV Positive Advanced
Leukemia Sickle Cell Anemia Depression
Organ Transplant Kidney Transplant BoneMarrow Transplant
Compromised ImmuneSystem Seizures Anxiety
Coronary Artery Disease Heart Attack Heart disease
High Blood Pressure Stroke Diabetes
Thyroid disease Depression Endocrine Disorders
Are you currently taking steroids? YES NO
Have you had surgery in the last 3 months?
If yes, please explain: 
Do you consider anything in your medical history to be relevant, please give details.
If unsure, please ask your regular doctor
Do any of your immediate family members have any of the following medical problems?
Diabetes Liver Disease Stroke
High blood pressure Heart disease Arteriosclerosis
Kidney Disease Gallbladder disease Cancer
Are there any other diseases than run in your family? 
Vaginal Yeast Infection History
Have you diagnosed with a vaginal yeast infection by a physician in the past? Yes  No
Have you been treated for a vaginal yeast infection in the past? Yes No
Please check how frequent you have recurrent vaginal yeast infections?
1 to 2 outbreaks/yr 3 to 5 outbreaks/yr 6 or more outbreaks/yr
Please list types of treatment for vaginal yeast infections you've received: 
At what age were you first experience a vaginal yeast infection?
Please describe you vaginal yeast infections: frequency, duration, severity, whether frequency of outbreaks have increased or decreased etc.
Available in the United States Only
Services NOT available in Arkansas, Illinois, & Florida
Please provide complete email, ie You@domain.com or name@aol.com 
Enter you credit card 3 digit security number. To find this number turn your card around and on the back on the strip where you sign your name there are some numbers printed. There are either a set of 4 numbers (the last 4 numbers of your credit card) and a set of 3 numbers, or just a set of 3 numbers. The set of 3 numbers is the security number that is necessary in order to process your request.
ENTER 3 Digit Security Code

I, AS THE CREDIT CARD HOLDER, VERIFY THAT I AM SUBMITTING THIS ONLINE-CONSULTATION REQUEST FOR A MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION AND I AUTHORIZE THE CHARGES STATED TO BE MADE TO MY CREDIT CARD (I understand that if I later dispute this charge as "unauthorized" I will be subject to criminal prosecution for credit card fraud). 
If credit card holder name is different than the person submitting consultation, you must verify that you have been given authorization to use this credit card:  I VERIFY THAT I HAVE BEEN GIVEN AUTHORIZATION BY CREDIT CARD HOLDER TO USE ABOVE CREDIT CARD.( I understand that if this charge is disputed by credit card holder as unauthorized, I will be subject to penalties of criminal prosecution for credit card fraud.)YES NO
Services not available in Arkansas, Illinois, or Florida 

You can choose to fill your prescription and your local United States pharmacy. 
In addition you can choose  either Regular or 24 hour Express Service:

You can choose to receive a written prescription and fill your prescription at most any local  United States pharmacy of your choice or  EXPRESS service and have your prescription called into the local United States pharmacy of your choice.

Our prescriptions can only be filled at a local United States pharmacy of your choice, they can not be filled at internet or foreign or Canadian or internet versions of pharmacies.  If you would prefer to receive your medication by mail you can choose to have your prescription faxed to Murray Avenue Apothecary that will mail your medication directly to you. The pharmacy will contact you and fill the prescription and mail the medication directly to you.  (Medical Wellness Center has no financial ties to either of these pharmacies.  They were chosen for their outstanding customer service, excellent compounding expertise, and reliability.  They only dispense 100% FDA approved manufactured medications.)
Medical Wellness Center does not sell or dispense any medications and we are not affiliated with any pharmacies.  For pricing and price comparisons, you need to contact the pharmacy directly.

1. First choose whether you want to fill you prescription at your local U.S. pharmacy or at Murray Avenue Apothecary.   Choose only ONE of these two choices.

Prescription filled at your local United States pharmacy:
Choose to fill prescription at your local pharmacy: Please check here if you are choosing to fill your prescription at your local United States pharmacy.  If you want to purchase your prescription from your local pharmacy, you then can select whether you want Regular service and wait 7-15 days to receive your written prescription by mail or whether you want Express service and your prescription is called into your local pharmacy in approximately 24 hours.

Murray Avenue Apothecary: 412-421-4996
Murray Avenue Apothecary is a specialized compounding pharmacy. This pharmacy has excellent pricing, especially for medications that are not covered by insurance or for those who do not have insurance. Please check FIRST with the pharmacy in regards to pricing of the medication. Only if you are choosing to fill your prescription online and have  Murray Avenue Apothecary ship the medication to you check below:
Authorized Murray Avenue Apothecary to fill prescription : Please check here authorizing Murray Avenue Apothecary to fill your prescription. Your medication will be shipped directly to your shipping address that you provided to the pharmacy and you will be billed by Murray Avenue Apothecary for the medication . Medical Wellness Center will only bill you for the online consultation fee.

If you have any questions in regards to shipping status and tracking information you need to contact the pharmacy directly:  Murray Avenue Apothecary 412-421-4996.

2. Next after making this selection then choose whether you want regular service (7-15 days) or Express 24 hour service.

REGULAR SERVICE:  Consult reviewed within approximately 3-7 business days and your will receive a written prescription by mail in approximately 7- 15 days which you can take to most any local United States pharmacy of your choice and fill or faxed to Murray Ave Apothecary in 3-7 days. Processing fee $10.35
EXPRESS SERVICE:  Consult reviewed and prescription within approximately 24 hours called into most any local United States pharmacy of your choice or faxed to Murray Avenue Apothecary. Express processing fee $20.
Please check here if you are  requesting  our EXPRESS  review and processing of your  medical evaluation.  If approved  your prescription will be called into your  LOCAL United States  pharmacy of your choice within 24 hours.  If you checked yes and you are approved  you will be billed a $20 express processing fee. 
If you are requesting express service, please enter complete phone# including area code, name and address of pharmacy where you choose to fill your prescription.  If you are selecting Murray Avenue Apothecary just write in your choice, you do not need to include phone number.   The prescription can only be called into your local U.S. pharmacy.  It can not be called in, faxed or filled at an internet pharmacy, foreign pharmacy, Canadian pharmacy or pharmacies such as Drugstore.com or an internet version of a local pharmacy such as CVS.com etc. 
By submitting this consultation form, I certify:

I am am an adult 18 years of age or older. 
I have read and agree to Waiver of Liability. 
I understand the side effects of this medication and adverse effect which are headache, nausea & abdominal pain and rarely allergic reactions , anaphylaxis, and liver toxicity. 
I understand that Diflucan is not to be taken by anyone under the age of 18, anyone with HIV disease,  anyone with LIVER disease, anyone who has  compromised renal function or kidney disease, or a compromised immune system. 
I understand that pregnant and nursing mothers should NOT use Diflucan. 
I am aware that in order to be eligible to receive a Rx, I must have been positively  diagnosed with a vaginal yeast infection due to Candida in the past,  and I need to inform my doctor that I am taking Diflucan. 
I do not have any of the contraindications to therapy and I have read and understand the contraindications and possible side effects 
I do not have a current prescription for Diflucan from another physician. 
I understand that my credit card will be billed $49.95 and $10.35 & H  for the medical consultation if approved (no refunds for this consultation service under any circumstances),  if not approved there is NO charge.  I understand that by submitting this form I agree to pay the $49.95 consultation and S& H  fees  if approved and understand that there are no refunds for any circumstances even if  I later change my mind and decide not to fill the prescription I receive or decide  not to take the medication for any reason. 
Please check here if you are  requesting  our EXPRESS (available in United States only)  review  and processing of your  medical evaluation.  If approved  your prescription will be called into a pharmacy of your choice within 24 hours.  If you checked yes and you are approved  you will be billed a $20 express S & H processing fee. 

I have answered all the questions truthfully and I understand that by clicking submit I agree to all the terms and conditions including that my credit card will be charged the above stated amount for the consultation if approved.

Please CONFIRM YOUR SELECTION made above of receiving written Rx, Express Service called into local U.S. pharmacy: 

Option 1 : Regular Service - receive written prescription by mail in 7-15 days
Option 2 : EXPRESS Service - have prescription called into a local United States pharmacy within approximately 24 hours
If you selected Express service, confirm the name and phone number of your Local United States Pharmacy below:
Option 3: Murray Avenue Apothecary ships you the medication to your home - Regular Service: consult reviewed and faxed to Murray Avenue Apothecary in 3 - 7 days
Option 4: Murray Avenue Apothecary ships you the medication to your home - Express Service: consult reviewed and faxed to Murray Avenue Apothecary in approximately 24 hours

Click SUBMIT button for Physician Consultation for DIFLUCAN
You may submit Consultation Form over the Internet (secure server) by clicking the SUBMIT button 

For any questions & fastest reply contact us by
email at wellnessmd@medicalwellnesscenter.com

Email to contact  Medical Wellness CenterTo contact Medical Wellness Center -with any questions, please Email us.

Medical Wellness Center 
Boston, MA